Archive for December 2016

Cyber Security Experts vs. Cyber Criminals: Who Makes More?

A new ad has been circulating that targets young cyber criminals. It is a call to action for cyber criminals to become cyber security experts essentially before it is too late. The ad was created in a joint effort of Europol and European law enforcements. The ad (above) creates a chart saying that cyber security experts have higher health, dexterity, stamina, happiness, and most importantly cash. It lists the benefits of being a cyber security expert as skills in coding, gaming, computer programming, and anything IT-related that will provide them job opportunities. On the other side, it notes that cyber criminals face jail time, fines, seizure of computers, and criminal records as a result of their crimes. The ad clearly targets youth, particularly youth that play video games due to the imagery of status bars that you might see in a game. But how accurate is the ad? To determine this, let’s look at what each actually make. Read more